What is Co-Production? 
“Co-production is a way for people who use mental health services (including their families & carers) and community partners to work together with people who provide mental health services, to make those services better.”
Co-produced definition by Mid West ARIES & Service Improvement
Mid West Community Healthcare – Mental Health
Co-production in mental health services brings together people using the service, their families carers and supporters, mental health staff and community partners to co-plan, co-design, co-deliver and co-evaluate services.
This approach to service improvement recognises the voice of those with lived experience of mental health issues. Unlike traditional models where decisions are often made by healthcare professionals alone, co-production creates an equal and reciprocal partnership approach where all stakeholders have an equal say with shared responsibility and mutual respect.
All of Mid West ARIES educational programmes and resources are co-produced with our stakeholders making for more powerful, meaningful and relevant learning outcomes.
co-production during the panel discussion at the launch of the National Framework for Recovery in Mental Health, May 2024
“delivering public services in an equal & reciprocal relationship between professionals, people using the services, their families & their neighbours.”