Welcome to the
Mid West Mental Health Services Hub
Here you will find key information and signposting to HSE Mental Health Services available across the Mid West Region covering Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary. We hope to provide a comprehensive resource hub for individuals seeking support, guidance, and information on mental health care services.
I am delighted to welcome you to our Mid West Mental Health Service Information Hub, where you will find information and signposting to key services across the Mid West Region.
It is a work in progress. Over the coming months we will add more pages about individual services and staff you may meet.
We hope you find it useful and if you have any feedback or suggestions please send your comments to info@midwestaries.ie.

Nuala Kelly
Head of Service
Mid West Mental Health
Find A Service
Click on the arrow button on the top left of the map to reveal services.
Click on to go to expand the map.
Expand the map to see full list of services.
Don’t forget to download your copy!
The HSE Mid West Mental Health Services have created this directory in response to a need identified by the people using our services and those supporting them, through our Mental Health Engagement fora.
We understand from our Mental Health Engagement fora that people can often feel confused or overwhelmed when seeking information or further support for themselves or others. We wish to provide everyone with access to reliable information about the Mental Health services and agencies
operating across the Mid West region.
The Directory lists statutory, non- statutory, community
& voluntary, national and regional agencies that are supporting recovery for people who experience mental health difficulties. It outlines where each agency is based, what each agency specifically does and how you can contact them for more information.
Need Urgent Help Now?
Call 112 or 999 if you or someone you know is about to harm themselves or someone else - TEXT
24/7 Crisis Text Line text to 50808 when in crisis and a trained crisis volunteer will receive the text and respond - VISIT OR CALL
Visit www.yourmentalhealth.ie or call the information line anytime day or night, freephone 1800 247 247 for information. - CONTACT YOUR GP
GPs can offer support to anyone in crisis. If possible bring someone with you to your local GP during clinic open hours. - OUT-OF-HOURS GP SERVICE
Contact ShannonDoc 0818 123500 or 061 459500 for medical support outside normal surgery hours.